Why we hate public speaking so much (it’s all about our comfort zone)

Public speaking is tough work.

Stepping into the spotlight and sharing our genius just doesn't come naturally to us. And it's even harder when we're struggling with nerves and stage fright. So, the million dollar question is...

How do we bust out of our comfort zone…and STILL stay authentic?

Get out of your comfort zone

Okay, first things first: we need to debunk a common myth.

It's time to kill the idea that we need to change our personality to make a big impact. For years, thought-leaders and online gurus have pushed the idea that success is linked to being better versions of ourselves. Which sounds great. (And sure, I’d love to be a supermodel sipping gin rickeys under a grove of palm trees.)

But "personal development" has limits. And it's somehow created the lie that victory is reserved only for the folks who take up the most oxygen in the room. The big talkers. Brassy ball-busters. (And don't forget the bonkers-#hustle lifestyle crowd.)

And the rotten core of this myth?

It's the idea that WE'RE NOT ENOUGH.

How to be authentically yourself

Thinking we’re “not enough” is the insidious message we've been internalizing for years. When the loudest personalities take up all the room, we assume there's no space for us.

And that is just not true.

It's high time we valued OURSELVES for a change. We need to love what we excel at. So, let's start embracing our genius, our insight, and our brave, courageous spirits.

Showing up in the spotlight isn't a race to be "larger than life", "dialled up", or "cranked to the max". Real success means being able to show up for the people who need you the most.

I’m talking about your fans, your customers, and your clients who adore you.

(And don't worry if you don't have fans or clients yet. Following this process will bring you closer to finding your following.)

So, repeat after me: YOU ARE TOTALLY THE BOMB. 💣

And we are here for it. 


2 tricks to help you get unstuck


5 vocal warm-ups for public speaking (yes, it helps!)