5 vocal warm-ups for public speaking (yes, it helps!)
Sure, we're all a little shy in the spotlight.
So, I know the LAST thing you want to be thinking about backstage before a big presentation is vocal warm-ups. But...hear me out. Stress and tension from public speaking can take a toll on our vocal cords (and our voice).
(Trust me...I know. I've strained my voice a few times rehearsing too much before giving a big talk. Cue endless mugs of honey & herbal tea.)
To handle this, I recommend doing a few vocal warm-ups before your speaking event.
5 easy vocal warm-ups to try:
Exercise #1: Deep Breaths and “Ssssssh”
Stand up straight and gently roll your shoulders to loosen your neck. Relax your jaw and breathe deeply and slowly 5 times, making sure that your shoulders stay low, your belly expands and your diaphragm fills with air. As you exhale, say “ssssssshhh” - just like a balloon sounds with air escaping. Repeat five times.
Exercise #2: The Humming Warmup
Humming is an easy way to warm up your voice, because it creates vibrations that relax your vocal chords. Start by humming “hummmmmmmmmmmmm” and hold this hum for an extended time (as long as your breath lasts). Relax the jaw and mouth, and repeat the hum ““hummmmmmmmmmmmm”. Hum again, this time ascending (going up) or descending (going down) the notes. Repeat five times.
Exercise #3: Tongue Warmup
To warm-up your tongue (and help your vocal delivery and pronunciation), roll your tongue roll quickly as possible against your lips, making a humming “brrrrr” tone. Do a few “brrrr”s on one note, and then gradually ascend (go higher) with the note, and then descend (go lower) with the note. Repeat five times.
Exercise #4: Word Play
Repeating odd words is a common vocal technique (you’ll probably remember Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy doing this). Repeat these four words: “Mom, Mum, Mim, Meem”. Say them slowly at first, and then repeat more rapidly. Try saying them at different “notes” or tones (higher and lower than your normal speaking voice). Repeat five times.
Exercise #5: Five States
Pronouncing words clearly is important for public speaking. I use this exercise to help wake up my mouth by pronouncing these consonant sounds, using the names of five states: “Mississippi Pennsylvania Tennessee California Delaware”. Try saying these words slowly at first, and then more quickly. Try repeating them in different tones and volumes, and enunciate them clearly. Repeat five times.
Remember, even a minute or two of warming up your voice and mouth will help you relax and focus on the presentation you’re preparing for.