Stage fright SUCKS (& here's why it's so tough to deal with)
Nerves. Nausea. Sweaty armpits.
If you've struggled with stage fright, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Basically, stage fright is a big, stinky, scary pile of UGH and "no thanks". It's no wonder "fear of public speaking" is regularly cited as one of the TOP fears for most adults.
But we've gotta wonder: Why is stage fright such a pain to deal with?
Impacts of stage fright
Stage fright is a set of nervous reactions that affect us physically and emotionally. And it can make speaking or performing in front of an audience of any size incredibly difficult.
When we're dealing with stage fright, we often trigger our "fight or flight" response, which causes all those delightful symptoms we love SO much. (Like shaky hands, trembling voice, rapid heart rate, anxiety, and nausea.)
And all those symptoms?
It's exactly the OPPOSITE of what you want to feel when you're trying to perform or give a presentation. It can impact your work, your confidence, and your sense of self-worth.
And, if you don’t tackle it, your nervous reactions can actually get WORSE over time.
We get more uncomfortable in the spotlight.
So we show up less. We avoid speaking up, taking initiative, or leading with authority. We hide, and run away from opportunities that scare us (like giving a keynote presentation or a media interview).
Don’t let stage fright keep you from your dreams
If you have bigger dreams...hiding from the spotlight won’t cut it. If you want to build your career or business, you've got to speak up, whether it’s online, on stage, or on podcasts.
And this is true no matter what industry you work in.
It doesn't matter if you're a tinker, tailor, soldier, need to SHOW UP.
Entrepreneurs are expected to show up on live streams, videos, and podcasts. Experts and consultants share their latest projects at conferences. C-level executives give media interviews and press conferences. And salespeople need to deliver impactful pitches to clients every day.
So what can we do if we struggle with stage fright? What happens if even the idea of being in the spotlight seriously freaks us out?
Well...the good news is that you can tackle this.
You can ABSOLUTELY learn the skills to manage your stage fright and step up with confidence in front of audiences.