Sorry, there’s no magic cure for stage fright

I wish I had better news.

I know you're hoping for magic rainbows, chocolate glitter sprinkles, and all the frozen cherry cheesecake you could ever desire. But here's the truth: there’s no magic cure for stage fright.

Sure, with a little practice, skills-building and awareness we can learn all we need to know about managing our nervous reactions. (And that's exactly what I can help you with.)

But we can’t snap our fingers and make our nervous reactions disappear.

If we want to be a confident public speaker…there’s no short cuts.

No short cuts for stage fright

Even though there’s no quick fix to become confident in the spotlight, there is some good news.

Turns out, our fears and stage fright serve a very important purpose.

Weirdly, all that nervous energy can be a serious advantage when we’re speaking in front of audiences. It gives us energy.  Focus. And an electric presence.


And when we're wide awake and revving on all cylinders, we wake up our audience too.

People pay attention to our passion and enthusiasm. (Spoiler alert: humans gravitate to people who are truly lit up from within and passionate about what they do.)

Unpopular opinion: Maybe we need stage fright?

Our nervous reactions may be a bit of a blessing, giving us a secret source of energy that can power us forward. tap into this electricity, we have to manage our nerves. We have to be able to harness all those nervous symptoms so they work for us…not against us. So that’s the challenge.

Because facing our fears is just plain daunting. But if we show up, practice, and do the work, we can use those nerves to power us in new directions.

If we face our fears, confronting our nervous reactions, and build new skills, we can create incredible things for ourself.

One day, you might find yourself being interviewed on TV. Appearing on podcasts. Giving a TED talk.

And you'll learn how to have the confidence to show up with bells on for high-stakes interviews, client pitches, and keynotes at conferences. 

With a little sweat and effort, you'll transform your life from "scaredy-cat junction" to "holy wow FANTASTIC." 

Aren’t you ready to trade in “okay” for something much, much better?


How a “growth mindset” can improve your public speaking


How to face your fears & get in front of your audience