How a “growth mindset” can improve your public speaking
Nature is amazing.
This week, my sister-in-law soaked some uncooked chickpeas, stuck them in a jar and left them alone for a while. Within a day or two, the chickpeas sprouted, turning them into crunchy little nuggets of deliciousness.
With public speaking (and life), we have to do what the chickpeas did.
We need to sprout. 🌱 Stretch up to the sun. And grow a fresh new mindset.
What’s a “growth mindset”?
Dr. Carol Dweck first identified the “growth mindset”, where we can develop new skills and resilience through dedication and hard work.
For public speaking, this perspective helps us see obstacles (like stage fright) as a learning experiences (not just a pain in the backside).
Instead of running away from challenges, we face them head-on. And failure? We learn that it's simply a springboard for growth and a chance to build new skills.
So, if we want to sprout a little more mental resiliency, we need to switch our mental perspective to a “positive” outlook.
Instead of seeing everything from a limited and fear-based perspective, we see opportunity.
Instead of thinking, “I suck on why bother trying?”, we acknowledge that we can learn to build our confidence and public speaking skills…one step at a time.
To get your brain sprouting just like a perky crowd of tasty chickpeas, try these 3 secrets:
MAKE A DECISION. One of the most powerful ways to shift your mental state is to take action by making a decision. Making decisions helps you mentally take control back from your fearful thoughts, and re-assert some power and independence away from all that nervous resistance. Even simple statements, like “I decide to feel better about this” puts the control back in your hands. Your decisions can be large or small, but they are a significant reminder that you have options in every situation.
Get used to the STRETCH. On this journey, you’re going to be moving out of your comfort zone. Just like we have to get used to going to the gym regularly to get healthy, we also have to commit to doing mindset work on a regular basis. Shifting out of your primal, fearful state can be a challenge, so treat this like a workout and recognize that you won’t build a mental six-pack in a day. This is a long term commitment, so take it slow.
NUDGE YOURSELF FORWARD. When you’re working against a lot of limited thinking and fears, the best way to move forward is in small, bite-size steps. Don’t be tempted to try massive changes all at once, because often that will backfire with increased resistance and frustration, and you’ll want to quit everything and eat ice cream all day. Studies have shown that small, incremental steps or “nudges” can be far more effective for long term progress. Focus on taking consistent action to get leverage.
Take the time to develop a fresh mental perspective, and reap the rewards of a brain that's resilient and focused on the positive.
Go ahead...get sprouting.