Why “being prepared” helps manage your “pre-event” nerves
Tackling your “pre-event” nervous reactions isn’t easy.
For me, I feel like I’m carrying a bag of rocks in the weeks before a big speech or presentation. Every time I try to relax, I remember: oh my gawd, I’ve got that speech coming up next week…yikes, and the stress hits me all over again.
But I’ve learned that “being prepared” is my best strategy to tackle "pre-event” nerves.
Get prepared…and push that stress to the background
Our brain loves being busy. And “pre-event” nerves is the perfect excuse to fill our heads with a noisy, non-stop chorus of insecurites, fears and worries.
What if I bomb?
What if nobody likes me?
What if I forget what to say and I stand there like an idiot with sweat dripping off my nose and I’m ruined forever and….on and on and on.
When we’re worried about an upcoming event, all we can hear is our terrified anxieties yelling at us from dawn to dusk. So…our best strategy to manage this is to give our brain something else to think about.
Yes, our job right now is to GIVE OUR BRAIN A NEW JOB.
Instead of stressing about the speaking event and driving us around the bend, we’re going to put our brain to work getting ready.
And that means being prepared.
How to “be prepared”
Before any speaking event, big details come first. Work on the big stuff first, like planning your presentation, drafting notes, and creating a deck. Rehearse, edit, rehearse again. (And remember, always rehearse out loud so you’re building your presentation like a conversation).
The day before the event, it’s time to handle the fiddly details and thinking through what's needed for your talk. You definitely DON’T want to scramble at the last minute, so set yourself up with your bag packed, notes and tech gear in order, and everything ready to go.
And yes, this sounds like overkill…but trust me, when you’re running to get to your event in time, you’ll be more likely to forget something important. Pre-planning the night before will save you sweat and tears.
Here’s my “be prepared” packing list for every event I attend:
Water bottle
Herbal tea & lozenges (for my throat)
Phone & charger
Directions to venue
Contact information for the organizers
Notes, slides for speech
Laptop and extra cords (if needed)
Business cards
Hand sanitizer, mask, tissues
The BONUS reason why “being prepared” will help you
Getting prepared and keeping your brain busy before a speaking event is one of those classic “win win WIN” scenarios.
Not only are you kicking procrastination to the curb, building the best presentation possible, AND pushing your stressed-out thoughts to the back of your mind…you’re ALSO building your confidence for stepping into the spotlight.
When you actually step in front of an audience, all that preparation is like an army behind you, reminding you that you’ve got this. Sure, you’ll still feel nervous, but you’ll know that you’ve done the work you need to do a great job.
And that is why a little preparation pays endless dividends.