Extra fear-busting tricks for your next presentation
Fear is tricky.
Even when we think we’ve conquered it, some new challenge will come out and knock us down all over again. (Like that high-stakes pitch we have scheduled next week with a VERY intimidating new investor.)
So, if your fears have your stuck in your feelings, here are three tricks to try:
Yup, I'm talking going eyeball to eyeball with your fears.
And I know this sounds stupid. Yes, our fears are slippery, amorphous creatures that inhabit our brain.
How the heck do we "stare them down"?
Okay, here's the mental trick I pull.
It's no big secret: I take action.
My big fears tend to have me running ragged, chasing distractions like endless episodes of Real Housewives of Some City Somewhere.
So, when I finally DO say "enough!" and confront my fears directly, things shift dramatically. I focus. Figure out what's going on.
And decide on some specific action I can take.
And, like a house of cards, fears tend to crumple as soon as a strong breeze hits them.
So, try this trick. Instead of believing our fears and letting them dictate our reactions, do something concrete. A little action can often be exactly what we need to distract our worried brain and shift our mojo.
Next...it's time for a big squeeze.
Yup, it's time to show our fears all the love.
Instead of fighting your fears, lean in. Feel your nervous energy.
Appreciate it. Give a little "thank you" to the angels for all that delicious energy.
And as you release your tension, let the electric buzz of adrenaline keep you inspired and alert in front of an audience.
Yup, we're transforming our stage fright with a whole lotta love.
And your stage fright and nerves will force you to stand up tall, think carefully about your words, and speak as clearly as you can. Because all that nervous energy can serve as a springboard and push you to up your game.
So, embrace the heck outta that nervous energy...and use it to help you deliver a great talk.
Finally...time for a little method acting.
If you're feeling rattled by an upcoming performance or media interview...sometimes the best way to handle your nerves is to deliver just a little “act as if” confidence.
And no, this isn’t about being fake or inauthentic. It's all about relying on our brains’ amazing ability to take imaginative leaps.
When we act with a little more confidence and self-assurance than we really feel, our brains will eventually catch up and begin to believe that our confidence is real.
And even when you don’t feel confident on the inside, you'll LOOK confident on the outside. (And your audience will love you for it...studies show that people instinctively view confident speakers as more credible and worthy of attention.)
This trick does take a bit of practice to make it work. I actually visualize it like a switch in my brain that I can flip on and off. If I need that little boost of self-confidence, I can mentally flip that “switch”. With that switch, I send my brain a message that I am self-confident, and voilà! I stand a little straighter, look people in the eye, shake hands firmly, and handle the questions calmly.
Remember, don’t get discouraged if your stage fright doesn’t evaporate overnight. (NO magic spells here.)
Be gentle with yourself. Take it slowly.
Most of all, stay focused on having fun.
Don't let those pesky fears get in the way of a good time.