Channel your nervous energy in the spotlight

Dealing with stage fright is so NOT fun.

And it’s especially awful when we’re in the spotlight. Whether we’re on stage, on camera, or online…this is when the nervous reactions kick in with a vengeance.

But...there is a secret about your nervous energy that can make all the difference.

Shift from “nervous” to “energized”

I learned this trick when I was doing multiple TV interviews in a row. I was terrified. (Yup, sweat was trickling down my back.) And, out of nowhere, the news anchor asked me a question that annoyed the f*ck out of me. (I was being interviewed about a human rights case, and my nerves were a little shot.)

Suddenly, my anger flared up.

My nervous energy translated into feisty electricity, like a spark that lit me up. I sat up straight in my chair, eyes on fire, and delivered a (politely) blistering response to correct the interviewer.

And this was the first moment I realized that stage fright didn’t have to be debilitating.

Suddenly, I realized that nervous energy could be a source of energy. 

How “energized” makes all the difference

This trick is a mental shift. And it will help you embrace your nervous energy and use it to your advantage. 

When we're in the spotlight, tapping into our adrenaline can provide an immediate boost. And when we let our nervous energy power us, we can deliver with fire, passion and zest. 

Suddenly, we're LIT UP like a firefly.

Want to try this?

When you're in front of an audience, practice reframing your thoughts. Channel your nervous energy and visualize it as powerful electricity helping you deliver a fantastic speech.

Use your nervous energy to electrify your delivery and step up with intention.

It's like a dose of full voltage KaPow!

And it's our best secret weapon.


Practice for your presentation…without a stage, mic or lights


Tackle the 2 P’s (procrastination & perfectionism)