Build a “bridge” for simpler, more effective presentations
Creating a presentation is tough work.
Most people have a zillion great ideas, and then drown trying to organize all their stories, anecdotes and information. And if you don't do a little can easily wind up in "throw everything at the wall" land. Without a clear structure, you’ll want to include EVERYTHING. You'll waste time prepping, and then scramble to get everything done at the last minute.
Don’t worry, there’s a better way.
Why you need a better process to create presentations
Instead of wasting time and effort, use a simpler method.
When you're planning a presentation, you need a clear structure that’s easy to build. (And yes, I developed this because I'm really lazy. I LOVE a good short cut.) And that structure is what I call the “Bridge”.
"The Bridge" is basically a visual “plug and play” structure you can use for any length of presentation.
It’s designed to be a simple outline that can shrink or expand easily. This method helps you eliminate guesswork and get right to the heart of what you’re trying to say.
Build your Bridge
Ok, let’s begin!
To start, get 3 colours of sticky notes (like pink, yellow and blue), and use them to start collecting ideas for your for your presentation. Create notes for three different sections: Toll Booth #1 (your Introduction), the Bridge (the main part of your talk), and Toll Booth #2 (your Conclusion). As you write down ideas for each section, keep them organized on the sticky notes and paste them up on a wall or a table.
Toll Booth #1
The Toll Booth #1 is the introduction for your presentation, where you “pay the toll” and make a connection with your audience.
Here you can share:
a short roadmap of what you will share today and why it’s important (the roadmap includes your key message and your core motivation).
share a quick heart-centred story that illustrates why you are giving this presentation or doing this work that is meaningful to you and the audience (this story will help introduce you & give the audience a connection)
The Bridge
The Bridge is the overall structure where you connect your information and build your story or argument. In the main part of your presentation, bring the audience on a journey from Point A to Point B, share information that will change their perspective.
Your “bridge” is held up with “pillars” (or main points) that support the bridge and help move the audience along. For each pillar you can share:
An important point, lesson or message that supports your overall argument
Each pillar needs a base of concrete information (like data, charts, images, testimonials, or a clear story) to back up your point.
Repeat for as many pillars as you choose (but keep it simple - for a 10 minute talk, 3 main points with back-up material is usually enough).
Toll Booth #2
Toll Booth #2 is your conclusion, where you wrap up the presentation and conclude the journey with your audience. It acts like a bookend with Toll Booth #1, summing up your message and sharing next steps for the audience.
Remember to remind the audience why your message is important, and what action you want them to take.
Pulling it all together
Now you’ve got your structure, you can start to organize and fine-tune the flow of information. Start rehearsing your presentation to develop your ideas, and see if you need to adjust your facts or material.
And remember: by working with simple bullet points, you’ll find it easier to practice (and remember) your presentation.