Build a “toolbox” for your next pitch
Speaking up in the spotlight is hard work. When we're nervous, it's difficult to keep our thoughts straight. Our memory gets muddled. Simple tricks (like pausing after making a point) get tossed out the window. And sweaty adrenaline gives us "tunnel vision", making us rush right to the end of our presentation.To tackle this, it’s time to create an imaginary “toolbox”.
If you need more confidence…try this
Need a little confidence? We need to forgo our tendencies to "play it safe". Sure, we all need to look after ourselves (no crazy stunts or unsecured bitcoin investments), but we DO need a little confidence to edge into the things we're a little scared of. Scary things, like: delivering a TEDx talk, pitching our business to new investors. appearing on that hot new podcast. Confidence is the ticket we need to step into scary situations that are out of our comfort zone. But how do we find enough confidence to propel us forward?
Practice for your presentation…without a stage, mic or lights
With public speaking, we have a big problem. We want to be ready for the big speech, media interview, client pitch...but it's almost impossible to practice for it. Most performances, presentations and interviews happen in a specialized environment (like a TV studio, a conference centre or an assembly hall.) They’ve got lights. Microphones.
Channel your nervous energy in the spotlight
Dealing with stage fright is so NOT fun. And it’s especially awful when we’re in the spotlight. Whether we’re on stage, on camera, or online…this is when the nervous reactions kick in with a vengeance. But...there is a secret about your nervous energy that can make all the difference.
Tackle the 2 P’s (procrastination & perfectionism)
It's hard to build skills, advance in our career, and troubleshoot problems...without struggling with insecurities too. In public speaking, two of the WORST obstacles we have to deal with are the “2 P’s”: Ms. Perfectionism and Mr. Procrastination. This annoying duo will drive you wild with unending demands, unrealistic expectations, and endless detours that lead nowhere.
Why your public speaking fears are like dragons (& what to do about them)
Okay, I'm going to get a little Game of Thrones on you. (But don't Red 🔪Weddings here.) Stepping up in the spotlight is tough work. Tackling stage fright is physically and emotionally draining. And (more often than not) means getting unstuck in our heads.And that means dealing with our inner dragons. 🐉
Getting real with stage fright myths (and why they’re holding you back)
Myths about stage fright are pesky and annoying (kind of like mosquitoes on a summer evening in July). We carry these beliefs about stage fright in our minds and never realize how much damage they're doing. Just like mosquitoes, negative myths will do everything possible to drive us crazy…and create more obstacles stopping us from reaching our goals.
How a “growth mindset” can improve your public speaking
Nature is amazing. This week, my sister-in-law soaked some uncooked chickpeas, stuck them in a jar and left them alone for a while. Within a day or two, the chickpeas sprouted, turning them into crunchy little nuggets of deliciousness. With public speaking (and life), we have to do what the chickpeas did.
Sorry, there’s no magic cure for stage fright
I wish I had better news. I know you're hoping for magic rainbows, chocolate glitter sprinkles, and all the frozen cherry cheesecake you could ever desire. But here's the truth: there’s no magic cure for stage fright. Sure, with a little practice, skills-building and awareness we can learn all we need to know about managing our nervous reactions.
How to face your fears & get in front of your audience
Dealing with stage fright reminds me of gardening. Digging out weeds, moving rocks and trimming shrubs is tough, sweaty work. And facing our fears? Also hard work. When we're determined to tackle our fears, we need to be real about the impact of stage fright in our lives. Because stage fright makes our lives a struggle. We struggle to connect with clients, make sales, pitch our products.
Stage fright SUCKS (& here's why it's so tough to deal with)
Nerves. Nausea. Sweaty armpits. If you've struggled with stage fright, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Basically, stage fright is a big, stinky, scary pile of UGH and "no thanks". It's no wonder "fear of public speaking" is regularly cited as one of the TOP fears for most adults. But we've gotta wonder: Why is stage fright such a pain to deal with?
2 tricks to help you get unstuck
I struggled for years with stage fright. And I was convinced I had to be BIGGER to make an impact and create the life I wanted. But being bigger (or louder, or taking up more room) wasn't the solution. I needed an approach that worked with me...not against me. Instead of trying to be someone else, I needed to embrace the quirky bits of me that made me...ME.
Why we hate public speaking so much (it’s all about our comfort zone)
Public speaking is tough work. Stepping into the spotlight and sharing our genius just doesn't come naturally to us. And it's even harder when we're struggling with nerves and stage fright. So, the million dollar question is... How do we bust out of our comfort zone…and STILL stay authentic?
5 vocal warm-ups for public speaking (yes, it helps!)
Sure, we're all a little shy in the spotlight. So, I know the LAST thing you want to be thinking about backstage before a big presentation is vocal warm-ups. But...hear me out. Stress and tension from public speaking can take a toll on our vocal cords (and our voice). (Trust me...I know. I've strained my voice a few times rehearsing too much before giving a big talk. Cue endless mugs of honey & herbal tea.)
Deliver a great presentation using tone & voice
Delivering a great speech sometimes comes down to the simplest thing: your voice. Just by changing the tone, volume or modulation of our voice, we can dramatically shift the meaning of our words and create added interest for audiences. But it can take practice to execute these techniques effectively, so take it slowly.
Boost your confidence for your next public speaking event
Confidence…we all want it, right? Whether it’s a little sassy swagger when we walk down the street or a stronger backbone when we’re negotiating our salary, we’re all obsessed with finding more confidence in our lives. And I’d be lying if I said that I don’t struggle finding confidence on most days (life is tough, y’all).
5 ways to connect with your audience (& why it’s essential for success)
Is there anything more terrifying than presenting in front of a room of strangers? That awkward silence. All those eyeballs fixed on you. And the booming sound of your voice in the conference hall. (Yikes! I feel nervous just thinking about it.) To get over the awkwardness and fears, you need to make an effort to connect with your audience.
3 tricks to upgrade your mindset before your next pitch
With public speaking, mindset is everything. Sure, you need a clear message, convincing material and (ideally) a story to hook the audience and keep them engaged. But your mindset can truly determine our results before we even set foot on stage. So, when you’re getting your slide deck prepped and your suit ironed…don’t forget to check your mental perspective at the same time.
Debunk these 3 myths about stage fright
Is stage fright the real problem? Sure, our nervous reactions make stepping on stage really uncomfortable. But although stage fright definitely sucks, it's NOT the enemy. Let's challenge three of the most common myths about stage fright...and see how learning to channel your nerves can help us make progress.
4 MORE Tricks to help you manage stage fright
And (just because I love you)…here’s 4 Bonus Tricks to help you kick stage fright for good. Bonus Trick #4: Stare it down. I’m convinced that handling stage fright is all about playing a strong mental game. When we re-frame stage fright, we de-mystify it. And one of the easiest ways to do that? Face your stage fright head on.